Tilu - Jangan Jangan Cuba

What have I done!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Assalamualaikum and good morning.

Today I woke up early, prepare tea for my husband before he went to work. It's been almost a year and we will have our wedding anniversary on 6 June 2011. Well, that's is not the issue. The issue is about myself who eager to know what my ex-bf doing. I dont have to mentioned who, it's enough if I hold the secret to myself.

I open my facebook. start searching for him and in 5 minutes, I found him, I go through his wall and info and I saw his status is in relationship. I was not suprised at all...well, a little bit. But at the same time I feel happy for him. He has met his love anyway. I feel guilty since I left him behind because I think he is not good enough for me.

In a relationship with...there is a name publish. I investigate 'her'. read her blog an I touched when she is really in love with him and they have known since childhood.  She wrote about him, about how much she appreciate him. I feel relieve and thankful. Now, I dont need to worry about him anymore. Well, it is not a good attitude to be a stalker at your own ex-bf. Me myself also think that I'm crazy. but, this is just for my satisfaction.

I will not add him and/or her to my friend list. I dont want to destroy this loving couple moment. They deserve it. I pray that they will get marry and happy ever after. I hope the searching over right here.

I have start my life with my marriage and I will not regret it. I have found someone who is already good enough for me. The one who I love with all my heart. My Darling...Zaidi.

Bersantai di Taman Layang-layang...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya rajin jugak jari jemariku ini menaip blog. Biasalah bila perasaan malas mula menghantui. Rakyat Malaysia baru-baru ni dilada wabak demam, selsema dan batuk yg berpanjangan kan...aku jugak salah seorang. Lebih kurang seminggu lebih baru sembuh. My hubby pun kena jugak. Sian dia.

Dlm2 tak sihat tu jugak, kami pergi jugak ke taman layang2 di kepong. Abg ipar aku kata dah lama tak dgr cerita kami laki bini. rupa2nya tgh sakit. Panas betul kat sana. Tapi tahan jerla...Yg peliknya, manusia2 kat sana tak mau plak nk pakai cermin mata hitam bila main layang2 tu...tak panas ke mendongak ke awan biru...boleh kira ngan jari tau. By the way, adalah beberapa gambar utk dikongsikan bersama.

 kitaorang ambik port dulu, rehat2 jap...masa tu angin tak kuat lagi nak main layang2.

 layang2 cuba diterbangkan. kadang2 tak payah org pegang pun dh terbang.

ni scene yg paling aku suka sekali, mcm amik pakai DSLR gitu. padahal pakai phone jer.
Indahnya tengok layang2 beterbangan. 

Mcm biasalah, mesti bergambar punya. peace! 

Happy family!  

tapi dinasihatkan supaya dtg awal dlm pukul 4 atau 5 ptg. kalau tak, menangis la menapak jauh2... banyak layang2 dijual dengan harga yg berpatutan. Jgn risau. Haus? Lapar? Makanan dan minuman pun ada jual kat sana. Aiskrim pun ada.

Selain tu, ada gak tasik utk korang bersantai dan berjogging. Memang puas hati. Cubalah dtg jalan2 yer...Bye..Peace.

30 Days Photo Challenge

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Dear Bloggers, 
Please post photos on your Tumblr account or any photo-sharing website account e.g. Photobucket.
It will make life so much easier for you when the competition starts.

Don't have a Tumblr account? Sign up for one here. It only takes 2 seconds!
Or you could create a new blog and that would work just as fine as well.
At least with Blogger you can do scheduled posts.
Just be sure to tell me your new links by 14th January 2011.

Good luck and thanks for participating!



1. This is an international competition and there are no restrictions based on your location.

2. You must post the photos on your Tumblr or a photo-sharing website account because it's the easiest way for me check on what you've done. Another option is for you to create a new blog and this option will allow you to schedule your posts in advance.

3.You can post photos that you have taken yourself with any type of camera and/or you can post ones that you've found on the Internet, in a magazine etc. but please credit the source, Boys and Girls, otherwise you will be disqualified.

4. Enter the competition by leaving your name and link underneath this post by 14 January 2011.

5. You must use the above digital poster to spread the word about the competition.

6. Three winners will be chosen based on three categories: HumourCreativityInspiration

7. Winners will be chosen on 1st March 2011inshaAllah.

8. Prizes will be chosen after I pick the winners. Why? So I can personally pick the prizes just for you. Think of it as a mystery gift!

If I see that you're into fashion, I'll get you something related to fashion.
If you're passionate about Islam, then something Islamic-related.
If you're into saving the environment and eating healthy etc. then something 'green' and environment-friendly.


Day 1 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts (you don't have to reveal your face)

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 3 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 4 - A picture of something you'd like to do again

Day 5 - A picture of something you love

Day 6 - A picture that makes you laugh

Day 7 - A picture of the person you do the silliest things with

Day 8 - A picture of your hero / knight / heroine

Day 9 - A picture of you and the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of your most treasured item

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 12 - A picture of your favorite memory

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14- A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19 - A picture and a letter (choose any photo and write short entry to explain why you've chosen it)

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25 - A picture of your favourite day

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28- A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss


1. Plan ahead and brainstorm ideas.

2. Keep it simple. 

3. Scheduled posting is always handy if you know you're going to be busy on certain days.

4.  Be yourself. This is your chance to express your thoughts and creativity so be original.

5. If you want to join in the fun but don't want to take part in the competition that's fine too!

The main objective of this challenge is for us to do something together and let our creative juices flow. Plus, we can get to know each other a little better. Who knows? Brand new wonderful friendships could start from this. If you have any questions leave a comment or flick me a message here and I'll get back to you.

Oh and of course, yours truly will be participating as well. I'd be silly to miss out on all the fun!


Bye Bye RXZ, Welcome EX5...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today is a great day. 11.01.2011. My hubby get his new motorcycle. Honda EX5 Dreams. It has been his dream since we get married. Alhamdulillah, after a few miserable moments we had, we finally can make our dream come true. As you can see in this picture, the marron one is my hubby new motorcycle and the other one is my hubby old motorcycle which we have to say goodbye tomorrow. I love the RXZ motorcycle because it store many memories since we know each other, couples and married. Well, life always been like that. Ahaaa...and the mermaid over there is to cover up the plat number. It is privacy ok. ahaks! Thanks mermaidy.

I like to thanks my darling because he really want to get me the pink helmet for me. I have advice him many time but he really determined to get the helmet. I really touch. I love U darling. Well, take a closer look at my new helmet. Taaddaaaa.......

Hehehehe....I have try it. It fixed and comfortable. Well, the flower all over it just to cover up the simple accessories. Well, not important. What is more important is, my hubby get his new motorcycle, and I get my hew helmet. It's worth me a lot. 

Luv U Darling.

Make Over My Hubby!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hi guys!

I love to present to you my hubby latest makeover. We went to barber shop, which is next to BB Kimwah at Subang Perdana (Near to Subang Airport). My hubby said that he want to do something different for a new year. Well, U guys can see from the picture below.

The cost is RM12. But it's worht it. The cute girl barber. Air conditioning places. Selling beverages. It is consider good.

My hubby quit cute isnt he? hehehe...Well, for me he is my everything. Oh..enough with the compliment..Well, I wonder when can I perm my hair. I think it is look more suit for me rather than rebonding. no art at all. my personal opinion eh!. Oh....oh...this is my new hubby new look. Walla!!!

like mafia kan? Well, I like it. Look more brave and at the same time, its cute too. He is my guardian. Oh...compliment again. Nevermind.....and this is the barber shop I bragging about. forget to take his internal picture of the shop. Well, you are welcome to feel it for yourself. Good service.

No...no...never judge a book by its cover or never judge a shop by its signboard ok! It is normal when the vandalisme is ruining the world. ~~~sigh...

Important notes : This shop has special discount on monday morning to whoever who wish to makeover their hair. especially girl. Perm or rebonding. 20% discount. plus if you gather 5 resit from the shop, you can get 10% discount as well. Good choices right!

Well....that's all for now. Love peace!

New Year...Big Challenge For Me...~~~~

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year to All Malaysians.

Well, a new year is not like a open a new book. My first day of new year was @#$&*@#...
I have to work on that day, and guess what, my first call, I've get scolded by customer who claim could not get connection.
I'll try to help them but, as u know, I'm new, zero or LOSER.

I could not assist customer until now. I think I just made it complicated.
I think I should consider back about my job in this line.
This is not what I want!
This is bullshit #$@^$&^)*%$$@@...........

Who can help me!
Only I can help myself through this challenge.
I dont want to blame anyone.
It just me!!!
enough is enough...

Find a way to make life better...
Find a way to make life easier...
But it not as easy as eating a cheese...

I'm sorry my Darling
I'm sorry my Familys
I'm sorry my Friends
I have dissapointed u again...sigh~~~

Kemenangan Harimau Muda! Phheeewwwwiiiitttt.....

Thursday, December 30, 2010

 Tak sangka nak tulis pasal bola sepak dalam blog ni. Yang sebenarnya, Saya tak minat bola sepak. Allaaaaa...perempuan kan..mesti tu jer jawapannya. Tapi semuanya berubah sikit bila my Hubby paksa pegi tgk bola kat kedai mamak pukul 2 pagi. Masa tu tgh hangat piala dunia. tak boleh blah betul...Tapi bila kita tgk semangat kebolaan yang wujud dlm diri abang2, pakcik2, dan budak2 kat situ. sebenarnya bola sepak lebih dari sekadar gol!

Oklah, inilah yang saya nak maksudkan. Dulu, kalau sebut bola sepak Malaysia, mesti ramai yang memperkecilkan kebolehan mereka. Contohnya, "Alaaa.....Malaysia. Apa kelas?" maknanya Malaysia tiada kelas yang tersendiri di mata dunia. Mesti ramai yang ragu2 adakah Malaysia boleh menang piala suzuki ni. Baru je masuk padang, org dah perli mcm2. tapi, bila dah masuk final...barulah nak mengakui kehebatan mereka. Mcm lalang kan?

 Mcm tu jugak ngan jersi baru Malaysia. Ada yang kata hodoh, tak sesuai, mcm robot dan lain2....tapi bila pergi final. baju tu la jugak yg mereka beli, yg mereka pakai! Kelakar betul hidup ni kan! Apapun, saya mmg tabik pasukan Malaysia yang tidak sesekali menangguhkan perlawanan atau komplain terhadap sinaran laser oleh penyokong Indonesia. Ternyata sikap integriti dan semangat jitu masih lagi menebal dalam jiwa anak-anak muda ini. Tahniah!

Dan yg bestnya, kemenangan ini adalah 100% made in Malaysia. kenapa? sebab kita tak ambik pun pemain import mcm Pasukan bola sepak yg lain. Malah, jurulatih K. Ragagobal pun adalah dari Malaysia. Tak berbangga ke kita semua? saya harap kemenangan tersebut akan mengorak titik langkah perjuangan dalam pertandingan bola sepak yang seterusnya....jgn hangat2 tahi ayam jer. Rakyat Malaysia pun berila sokongan. Jgn asyik nk komen jer...cuba try main tgk!

Oklah, penat lak, rasa mcm menulis karangan utk SPM plak. :P
Selamat Tahun Baru Semua.
Tanamkan azam dan laksanakan ia sebaik mungkin.